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På dansk:
Efter endt uddannelse kan deltageren:
- Tilrettelægge og udføre en polishbehandling af gulve samt vedligeholde gulve behandlet med polish.
- Genkende de mest almindelige materialer, som kan behandles med polish, samt vurdere forhold, der har indflydelse på polishbehandlingen.
- Anvende de mest almindelige afrensningsmetoder, herunder tørslibning og vådafrensning, samt anvende de mest almindelige redskaber og maskiner.
- Anvende de mest almindelige polishtyper, redskaber og maskiner.
- Anvende de mest egnede ergonomiske metoder og arbejde efter gældende retningslinjer.
In English:
Upon completion of the training, the participant will be able to:
- Plan and perform a polish treatment of floors and maintain floors treated with polish.
- Identify the most common materials that can be treated with polish and assess factors that influence the polish treatment.
- Use the most common stripping methods, including dry stripping and wet stripping, as well as the most common tools and machines.
- Use the most common types of polish, tools, and machines.
- Apply the most suitable ergonomic methods and work according to current guidelines.
På dansk:
Arbejdsmarkedsuddannelsen er rettet mod rengøringsassistenter.
In English:
The vocational training program is targeted at cleaning assistants.
Deltagerne kan tilrettelægge og udføre polishbehandling af gulve, samt vedligeholde disse.
In English:
Participants can plan and perform polish treatment of floors, as well as maintain them.