In English:
Participants are familiar with:
Laws and regulations, including:
- The Danish Road Traffic Act
- The Danish Working Environment Act
- Regulation on roadwork signage
- Regulation on road marking
- Regulation on the use of road marking
Basic rules and guidelines for roadwork signage, including:
- Edge and background markings
- Relevant traffic signs
- Prioritization and signal control
- Signage vehicles
Principles, rules, and guidelines for setting up and taking down signage, including:
- Order of setup and takedown
- Construction of sign posts
- Placement of sign posts in the cross-section
- Use of work vehicles
Work environment for roadwork, including:
- Safe behavior on the road
- Content and use of protection levels
- Identification of collision hazards and contributing factors
- Selection of adequate measures to mitigate the risk of collision
The participant can:
- Read and understand a signage plan
- Plan signage for minor roadwork
- Participate in the planning of the work environment concerning the risk of collision during roadwork
- Perform signage that complies with legal requirements and other guidelines, including:
- Set up and take down signage safely for both road workers and road users
- Place traffic signs and other signage in compliance with legal requirements
- Ensure that roadwork can be carried out in a safe and health-conscious manner in relation to the risk of collision and contribute to eliminating potential accident factors
På dansk:
In English:
All employees working on operational, maintenance, and construction projects, as well as road infrastructure modifications on the state road network for contractors and utility owners, who are responsible for roadwork signage, must hold either the "Road as a Workplace" certificate (AMU) or the Road as a Workplace Level I or II certification (Road-EU).
På dansk:
Alle medarbejdere, som arbejder ved drifts-, vedligeholds- og anlægsarbejder samt ombygninger af vejanlæg på statsvejnettet hos entreprenører og ledningsejere, og som skal udføre afmærkning af vejarbejder, skal være i besiddelse af enten uddannelsesbevis "Vejen som arbejdsplads" - Certifikat (AMU) eller Vejen Som Arbejdsplads Trin I eller II (Vej-EU).
In English:
The certification course provides the competence to:
- Work on operational, maintenance, and construction projects, as well as road infrastructure modifications on the state road network for contractors and utility owners
- Perform roadwork signage
Participants who are responsible for roadwork signage must hold either:
- The "Road as a Workplace" certificate (AMU)
- Road as a Workplace Level I or II (Road-EU)
På dansk:
På certifikatkurset opnås kompetence til:
- at arbejde med drifts-, vedligeholds- og anlægsarbejder samt ombygninger af vejanlæg på statsvejnettet hos entreprenører og ledningsejere
- udføre afmærkning af vejarbejder
Deltagere, der skal udføre afmærkning af vejarbejder, skal være i besiddelse af enten:
- Uddannelsesbevis "Vejen som arbejdsplads" - Certifikat (AMU)
- Vejen Som Arbejdsplads Trin I eller II (Vej-EU)
Fag til kurset
Vejen som arbejdsplads - Certifikat
Varighed 2 dage
Timer pr. dag 7,4
Stamholmen 201-215
2650 Hvidovre
Også for deltagere udenfor AMU-målgruppen